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Will RV Antifreeze Thaw Frozen Pipes?

January 16, 2021

Will RV antifreeze thaw frozen pipes?  If you are one of those looking for a helpful answer to this question, then you have come to the right source of information on this.

The answer to the question is a big no! The RV antifreeze is not made to thaw a frozen pipe. You should let that sink now.  

If you are looking for how to thaw the frozen pipes in your RV, then you are better off looking for other alternatives.  We will mention some of the alternatives in the remaining part of this write-up.

The purpose of the antifreeze in the RV is not to thaw frozen pipes. Rather, the purpose is to prevent the pipes from becoming frozen in the first place.  

Even at that, you need to apply the antifreeze in a particular manner before it can carry out the desired function of preventing the pipes, from becoming frozen.

Be that as it may, our focus is not really on how the antifreeze can be made to work as desired. Rather, we are going to focus on how you can handle frozen pipes in your RV.  You can continue reading for helpful solutions to this situation.

Will RV antifreeze thaw frozen pipes? As we said earlier, the answer is no!  There is no way the antifreeze of the RV can thaw frozen pipes since it is designed to prevent freezing of the pipe and not thawing frozen pipes.

 As we have mentioned earlier, however, there are several other methods with which you can successfully thaw frozen pipes in your RV. We will discuss as many of them below as space will permit.

Will RV Antifreeze Thaw Frozen Pipes?

How to thaw a frozen pipe ion your RV

Will RV antifreeze thaw frozen pipes? No! However, there are some other methods you can adopt.

Before you can thaw a frozen pipe in your RV, you need to first locate where the frozen pipe is. After locating the frozen pipe, you should find a way to detect the particular frozen area in the pipe.

This can be done by turning on the faucets in the RV to find out if water will flow or not.  If water does not flow or you can only see a few drops of water, then this indicates that a pipe that leads to that particular faucet is probably frozen.      

If you notice a frozen pipe in one area, then there is a possibility that there are many other frozen pipes in the RV.  Just open all the faucets to know which pipes are affected.  

Bear in mind that this is only a possibility during the cold winter months. If the faucets are not producing water in the hot parts of the year, then something else aside from freezing must be responsible for the problem.  

You can check for pipes under the sink and along with the bodywork of the RV. If you check properly, it will be easy for you to detect frozen areas.  The areas may also have a slight bulge or frost in area.

The pipe can be thawed easily if it is located in an easily accessible area.

Heat can help

One of the best ways to thaw a frozen pipe is to apply heat to the affected area. The heat will help to melt the ice and make water flow in the faucet flow easily. However, make sure that the pipe is not cracked.

If there is any crack on the pipe, you need to first wrap it using tape.  Applying the heat will help to warm the pipe and help to thaw the ice.  

The heat tape is very easy to apply and it will help to thaw the ice easily.  It is also available in different sizes and lengths and you can stock them up in your RV pending the time you will need it.   All you need to do is look for one that will perfectly fit the size of your pipe.

Use a heat gun

Will RV antifreeze thaw frozen pipes? No, but a heat gun will do it for you.  This method of thawing frozen pipes is even very common and it does the work effectively.  

While it is a common way to thaw the pipe, this method will consume some time before it can do as desired.

The method is easy. All you have to do is to plug the heat gun into it and simply point the gun on the area of the pipe that is frozen. You can do this by moving the heat gun back and forth to help spread the heat in an even manner between frozen areas.    

Try a space heater

A space heater can also get the job done perfectly.  It is also another commonly used method of thawing frozen pipes in RVs.  All you need to do is to place the heater very close to the area of the pipe that is frozen.

Bear in mind that the heater can lead to fire hazards. So, you want to be very careful when applying this method to thaw the frozen pipe in your RV.

Always keep a close watch on the heater when using it and make sure you turn it off immediately after you have completed the unfreezing of the pipe.

Plumber’s Torch is also useful

One other method you can apply to thaw a frozen pipe is the use of a plumber’s torch. However, you can only use this method if the frozen pipes in the RV are made of galvanized steel or copper.  You will completely damage the pipe if it is made with plastic and you apply the Plumber’s torch to it.

First of all, check if there is no break or crack in the pipe before applying this method of unfreezing the pipe.


Will RV antifreeze thaw frozen pipes? No, it will not, but some other methods will.  We have discussed some of those other methods above and you can opt for any of them when looking for how to thaw frozen pipes in your RV.  

You must handle the thawing process carefully also so that it will not cause more harm than good.  You may also call on experts if you are unable to unfreeze the pipes by yourself  


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